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createZoomImageMove - 853 B

Basic Usage

const { cleanup } = createZoomImageMove(container, {
  zoomImageSource: "large-image.webp",

// Call cleanup when you don't need it anymore

Type Declaration

type Listener = (state: ZoomImageMoveState) => void

type ZoomImageMoveState = {
  zoomedImgStatus: ZoomedImgStatus

type ZoomImageMoveOptions = {
  // Props for the zoomed image
  zoomImageProps?: {
    alt?: string

  // Zoom scale, default is 4
  zoomFactor?: number

  // The source of zoomed image, default is the same as the original image
  zoomImageSource?: string

  // Disable scroll lock on zoom, default is false
  disableScrollLock?: boolean

function createZoomImageMove(
  container: HTMLElement,
  options?: ZoomImageMoveOptions,
): {
  // Remove all event listeners and zoomed image
  cleanup: () => void

  // Subscribe to state changes, returns a function to unsubscribe
  subscribe: (listener: Listener) => () => void

  // Get current state
  getState: () => ZoomImageMoveState